
self-study on 21/8

Today we dicuss about the introduction which is the first part of the essay. From the workshop we learnt that instroduction is made up by different parts such as overview of the essay, transition from general topic to specific focus, statement about the topic generally, thesis statement and so on.
Fourthermore, we concluded that an introduction should make clear the writer's main viewpoint on the eassy question in a "eassy statement", and the introduction should give some idea of the content and organisation of the eassay.
Then i write introductions of 2 topics as anexcercise as follow:
1."The death penalty should be used to deal with murderers."To what extend do you agree with this statement?
Some people consider that those who commited murder should be treat to death penalty, while others consider it is cruel to the people though they have commited it. The controversy has been
lasted for hundreds of years. As a result some countries don't have death penalty in their law. For me, i strongly support the view to use the death penalty.

2."fast food should be banned in all school canteens." To what extend do you agree with this statement?
A common viewpoint is that fast food is a kind of junk food which is high in fat, sugar and salt, and low in fibre and vitamins. So it does no good to people especilly to adults. But in the other side fast food really improve our pace of lives. It is really convenient to have fast food when we don't have enough time.And some fast food has also been proved to be nutrient. We don't have to ban the fast food totally in all schools.
